Please go here to find our award-winning application.
Why Did the City of Bristol Win the Award?
So any reasons! Here are some top headlines on how Bristol is working to make its food system healthier, more sustainable, and more…
Bristol Food Policy Council publications
Bristol’s Good Food Action Plan 2015-2018: Overview
Why do we need an action plan?
The system for providing food to human communities in England operates in such a way that control rests, in effect, with ‘the market’, whose legally enshrined…
Bristol is one of the 10 partner cities who took part in the URBACT Sustainable Food in Urban Communities project from 2012-2015. The URBACT Thematic Network “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” is a project involving 10 European cities that wish…
The report, written by Beth Webb, Beth Bennet-Britton, and Claire Lowman, can be found here.
In 2013 the Good Food Plan for Bristol was launched. This sets out 8 themes for changing the food system. The Bristol Food Policy…
Food and planning developmental review. A peer review team visited Bristol City Council on 17 March 2014 and interviewed 14 staff and one elected member about their roles in improving the health, sustainability and resilience of the food system that …
The Contribution of Public Health Bristol to the work of the Bristol Food Policy Council. The purpose of this paper is to enable Food Policy Council members, other directorates within Bristol City Council, and other partner organisations, to see the…
Food Poverty: What Does the Evidence Tell Us? released August 22, 2013. This review looks at best available evidence relating to food poverty, what it is, what its scale is likely to be in Bristol, and what impact it has.…
Yeo Valley Day final Report. A record of the Bristol Food Policy council visit to Yeo Valley Farms with “key influencers” on May 23, 2012.…
Who Feeds Bristol report:
Read the foundational report authored by Joy Carey that inspired the Bristol Food Policy Council:
Who Feeds Bristol
You can find the report summary here and the separate case studies and appendices here. Read more [...]…