Please welcome our new Chair, Simon Wood!

At our last meeting on 8th July, 2015, we welcomed Simon Wood as our new Chair of the Bristol Food Policy Council. Simon is Director of Estates, Facilities and Capital Planning at Bristol North NHS Trust. Previously he was Head of Facilities services at the Winchester and Eastleigh NHS Trust joining North Bristol NSH Trust in March 2000. Simon’s background is in estates and hospital engineering having started in the NHS as a mechanical engineering apprentice and holding a range of managerial posts over the last two decades. Simon’s areas of responsibility include all of the catering facilities at the North Bristol Trust, including the new Southmead Hospital facilities. Under Simon’s leadership, North Bristol NHS Trust has become the only trust in the UK to be serving patient meals with the prestigious Silver ‘Food for Life’ Catering Mark accreditation from the Soil Association. For more information about the Food for Life Catering Mark and what it means for North Bristol NHS Trust please go here.

The Bristol Food Policy Council is very honored that Simon has chosen to join us in the capacity of Chair, and we look forward to working with him in the coming months. We also want to thank Dr. Kevin Morgan for his leadership of the Food Policy Council since its inception in 2011 and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.