The Bristol Method and Food: How We Do it Here in Bristol

From the Bristol 2015 Company website:

As European Green Capital in 2015, we have an opportunity to share what we know with people all over the country, across Europe and around the world.

To do this as effectively as we can, we have created the ‘Bristol Method’: a knowledge-transfer programme aimed at helping people in other cities understand and apply the lessons that Bristol has learned in becoming a more sustainable city, not just in 2015 but over the last decade.

The Bristol Method is made up of a series of modules, or chapters. Each one is presented as an easy-to-digest ‘how to’ guide on a particular topic, which use Bristol’s experiences as a case study. The modules contain generic advice and recommendations that each reader can tailor to their own circumstances.

How to become a more sustainable food city

Food is woven through the economic, social and environmental life of the city yet responsibility for what happens in the system tends to be left to market forces. Learn how the people of Bristol are exploring ways to exercise their power to address aspects of its food system over which they have some control

Access the Bristol Method publication here.

How to encourage food production in the city

Food is fundamental to our wellbeing: as well as being a source of pleasure, good food promotes good health. From the perspective of the city, we want to make sure that our food system is sustainable with positive impacts on the environment – as well as on the people who grow, make or sell it.

Access the Bristol Method publication here.

How to tackle food waste in cities

Every year, 15 million tonnes of food waste is produced from UK households, businesses and other organisations. Bristol has a strong food sector with interests in the sustainable food agenda, as well as vibrant social enterprises which have risen to the challenge of addressing food waste issues and poverty.

Access the Bristol Method publication here.