(Dec 2013) A list of cases promoting sustainable food consumption (public & private).
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Bristol is one of the 10 partner cities who took part in the URBACT Sustainable Food in Urban Communities project from 2012-2015. The URBACT Thematic Network “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” is a project involving 10 European cities that wish…
URBACT 2011 Bristol profile. Bristol has a thriving local economy of shops, cafes, restaurants and markets selling a diverse range of food from around the world and from local producers.…
URBACT State of the art Local markets, city branding and marketing, prevention of early school leaving, urban sustainable and efficient regeneration, partnerships between cities and universities … The 15 new URBACT projects approved for implementation phase are going to work …
Read full Growing report (PDF)
(May 2014) A draft list of cases on urban & peri-urban food production activities…